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Pietro live on Radio 24 January 27, 2008

Posted by scarfaccio in What's new.

Did you know that every Sunday, around 3 o’clock, I’m on air on Radio 24? Nooo???
Jeez!!! Why not? Didn’t I tell you? Well, now you know it!
It happens that a while ago, one of my best friend (Stefano Gallarini) , who happens to be one of the most well known Italian Radio Speaker, called me on the phone and asked me if I wanted to be the Correspoondent from Germany for Radio 24. Of course I agreed and now I’m officially the German Correspondent for the radio inside a show called “Il riposo del guerriero” (“The warrior’s rest”).
Already three weeks are passed already and the show is getting better and I’m also earning a lot of self confidence while speaking on air.
What’s my duty? I gotta talk about curiosity or strange news happening in Germany and selecting music related somehow to the news. That’s all. All this for about 15 minutes and I get paid, of course!
You can listen to it every Sunday around 3 o’clock on http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/, the program starts at 14:15 pm.
Listen to it if you can and tell me what you think about it, ok?

See you on air! 😉


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